martes, 3 de mayo de 2016

Drama and Comedy (Ms. Martinez)

Instructions: choose a play from the list in the following links and prepare it for a presentation.
steps for presentation:
1. choose a partner or group depending on the play you choose
2. read the script and learn it.
3. create a video of you and your group performing the play.
4. present the video uploaded to a YouTube channel with the following name: Level four English
Link for Plays
Link for YouTube Channel

*Points for creativity and relevance to content*

domingo, 1 de mayo de 2016

Literary Genres Final Project (Ms. Martinez)

Instructions: Download the document from the google drive named "Genre and Subgenre Newspaper Project" on which you will work on groups of no more than 3. A week due to present and upload the final project will be given.
Final Project

Analyzing a Poem Test (Ms. Martinez)

Instructions: Download from the google drive of the class and work on the following worksheet analyzing the poem "Operating Room" by John Reed and uploaded back with your name and answers to the drive.

Literary Genre: Drama (Ms. Martinez)

Instructions: Watch the following video about the literary genre drama.

Analyze a Poem (Ms. Martinez)

Instructions: in the following video we find the analysis of the poem "The Chimney Sweeper" by William Blake. Pay close attention to the analysis the girl is making about the poem. After watching the video answer the following questions in a comment:
1. What is to analyze a poem?
2. What are the steps for analyzing a poem?
3. What is the purpose of analyzing a poem?

Video: How to Analyze a Poem

Instructions: Choose one of the poems read in class and work on the following worksheet analyzing the poem you chose. You will find the worksheet on the google drive of the class:
Upload to the drive your worksheet answered.

Good Poetry (Ms. Martinez)

Instructions: Watch the following video about the characteristics that make a poem a good one. after watching the video look for a poem that has at least some of the characteristics mentioned or, better yet, all of them. Post it as a comment along with its author's name and a brief description of why you think is a good poem.

What makes a good poem?

Poetry (Ms. Martinez)

Instructions: Watch and read the following slide presentation about the basic elements of poetry:
Basic Elements of Poetry

Answer the following in a comment:
1. What is poetry?
2. What are the basic elements we find in poetry?

Instructions: watch the following video about four types of poetry. then work on Assignment No. 3 
Types of Poetry

Assignment No. 3